Janoš Vranek

When The Penny Drops

When The Penny Drops

V - Janos Varsity 2 2023
© Nia Teifi Rees 2023.

I thought that my knees were dropping at the last 50 metres of my races (for Aberystwyth Harriers) on Saturday (18th March 2023). It felt like I was falling backwards a bit, when I tried to get them higher.

But, looking back at a video my knees were actually going a lot higher, than the other runners in the races and my form looked better than theirs too.

Strength training (Vorsprung Lydiard Inspired Sessions) which work the quads and hips at extension like high-knee hill sessions and gym sessions (Vorsprung Dynamic Gym Sessions) helps to get that power and range into each stride making you a more efficient runner.

It is the Vorsprung practice to strengthen hips, to allow for lighter impact on the ground, better stride control and healthier knees. Additionally, what Janoš has experienced is the core to Vorsprung practice: perception. The brain can deceive. All the sessions where we teach to bring the knees up higher than one feels a need to in a race situation, suddenly make sense. Janoš embodied Vorsprung, as such, he was in control of his brain's behaviour. He noted, that, mobility and range are now greater and more effective in maintaining speed in a race. But, more-over he noticed how the brain can deceive one from thinking some thing different about our body's movements and abilities." Vranek.

Text © Janoš Vranek March 2023

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