
Add this to your daily routine...

The Vorsprung Project's Outreach Supplemental, is offered as an 'one-off' experience.

Offered to any individual or organisation wishing to enhance their life-style or increase their neurological pathways, with one simple routine. Whether it be, a warm-up routine for a sports club or individual sports-person, a wake-up routine to stimulate the body after sleep, a weekly routine for the elderly or simply an individual who would like to add a new dimension to their life.

We will demonstrate the selected routine (
Vorsprung Pre-Match Warm-Up Routine, Vorsprung Wake-Up Routine or Vorsprung 10/10 Warm-Up Routine) in a one-off workshop (in-person or via a Zoom link), then, supply you with a video of the routine to refer back to.

The price of the routines depends on the nature of the presentation, as there are travel costs included in presenting the demonstration in-person.

Data Protection: We do not collect or store any personal information from e-mails, telephone conversations or websites (unless we have your consent to retain your e-mail or postal address for further correspondence). Nor do we pass-on any personal information to any third party.