Media And Legal

Protecting And Promoting

The Vorsprung Project is governed by, and content protected by, a Constitutional Document:

All media enquiries should be made to Eleanor Twain:

No moving footage or still images may be taken or reproduced without prior permission from Vorsprung's Media and Legal department.

Any moving footage or still images taken and reproduced with permission and license from Vorsprung's Media and Legal department is protected by GAIA Unlimited for The Vorsprung Project.

All material / content taken by any third party (employed by, or collaborating with, The Vorsprung Project) remains the ownership / property and copyright of The Vorsprung Project.

In compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDRP) and Copyright laws, all content and material must be deleted at the end of the project and no material may be allowed to be reproduced or promoted on any digital or analogue format / platform, without prior permission and license from The Vorsprung Project.

Data Protection: We do not collect or store any personal information from e-mails, telephone conversations or websites (unless we have your consent to retain your e-mail or postal address for further correspondence). Nor do we pass-on any personal information to any third party.

© 2020 The Vorsprung Project. Website designed by GAIA Designs. Hosted by The Phonecoop and created using RapidWeaver.