Jamie Fitzgerald

"I'd tried different training methods over the years and found them to be boring and difficult to carry on with."

Jamie Fitzgerald
Footballer (and soon to be Marathon Runner and multi-sports participant).

When I first tried the Vorsprung training methods I had to forget most of the things I'd ever been told about exercise. I really bought into what Vranek was teaching. For the first few weeks it felt strange and difficult. I soon became fitter and stronger. I'd tried different training methods over the years and found them to be boring and difficult to carry on with. As an overweight 40 yr old I had to find something to change my lifestyle. Vorsprung was that change. 6 months later and 2 stone lighter, I'm now loving training. Thank you Vranek. I have since completed 5k and 10k runs and taken part in different sports with SCVorsprung, Football, Netball and Lawn Bowls."

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