Cameron Christie

"I love the fact that Vranek really cares about my improvement and is always more than happy to answer any questions."

Cameron Christie
Basketball Player

My first few months working with Vranek, at Vorsprung, have been both very useful and enjoyable.

Having coming-off both ankle and knee injuries on my left leg, I was very imbalanced: both in strength and balance between my left and right legs.

However, training with
Vorsprung has not only helped counter these issues, but, has, also, prepared me for this coming basketball season feeling stronger, faster and more physically prepared than I ever have.

I love the fact, that, Vranek really cares about my improvement and is always more than happy to answer any questions, have interesting lengthy discussions helping educate me and adding in extra sessions, when needed.

Furthermore, he is always straight-up with me and tells me what I need to hear, in terms of what needs improving, and where my weaknesses are: not necessarily what I would like to hear. This has really helped us to establish goals and the trust in him, that, he is looking for how I can improve my athletic performance.

Not only have I improved physically, through
Vorsprung, but I have been learning so much from Vranek. The main thing, I have taken away from Vorsprung, so far, is the importance of taking care of your body and allowing it to recover, especially as a high-level athlete, which I have translated to my day-to-day life.

I am now going back to university and into the new basketball season, so will be away from Vranek and the others at
Vorsprung. However, Vranek has created a programme for me, to follow in-season, leading-up to Christmas, and we have maintained contact so I can give up-dates on my progress, my training and any issues I am having: which he, of course, will help me with.

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