Freya Pritchard

Looking After The Future

Freya Pritchard
Junior OCR and Junior Runner

After the first session of The Vorsprung Project, I felt so much more energised.

In a few months attending
Vorsprung classes I have developed many skills.

The drills have helped my balance and co-ordination. I found the static drills were very effective for balance. The mobile drills help my co-ordination, even though at the start I wasn’t very good, I enjoy these a lot.

I, also, enjoy the hurdle drills. This helps me develop team working skills: for example, when we go over the hurdles holding hands.

All this helps my running and strength alot. I have become a faster and stronger runner with different techniques, that, make running an enjoyable experience.

Coming along to the Tuesday sessions have not only developed skill, but, also developed a friendship. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly. This, also, makes the sessions more enjoyable and fun.

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