Introduction: Paediatric Exercise

Looking After The Future

The Vorsprung Project puts emphasis on the child-first.

Although this may seem obvious, most training programmes for children, clearly, promote their own egos above that of the health of the child.

One of the major mistakes is the conventional adage of ‘fun’ being the priority. If child welfare is the priority, no programme would emphasis ‘fun’ without questioning what is determined by ‘fun’ and what the parametres of ‘fun’ are.

Most children’s sports programmes are founded on fundamental flaws. They present the premise of ‘training’, when it should be ‘exercise’: and significantly, they promote the word ‘fun’, which is wrong in so many ways.

When you proclaim a programme to be ‘fun’ you are dictating what the child should feel. You are forcing an outcome. You have nowhere to go. No room to expand. No way to adapt.

There should be a pursuit of ‘excitement’. Programmes should be ‘exciting’. The by-product could be, that, it is ‘fun’. But, it shouldn't presume.

Too often, ‘fun’ has been determined by adults, without study of children, observing children or asking children. The latter is relevant, but, less so, as children need leadership and clear boundaries. They should not be in-control or determine their exercise needs. Children need to be monitored for physical and mental tiredness. For this, specialised observations are needed. Asking the child if they are tired is
not acceptable!

Evidence shows, that, children develop and perform far better with, clearly, defined rules and parametres and a structured programme of events.

For twenty-five years, Vorsprung has successfully developed paediatric training programmes for numerous sports clubs.

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