Aberystywth Avilles Cardiff MidCheshire5k2022

Shelley Childs

Mid-Cheshire 5k 2022

I was asked to enter this race a few months ago by the Vorsprung crew and consider it a target race. So, with a fair few weeks of preparation, I arrived at the race in decent form - despite a week off on holiday with the kids just two weeks out, which in hindsight, acted as a good taper!

The summer plan consisted of twice weekly track sessions, one cruise and one all out speed, plus the usually
Vorsprung strength & core drills. I now have new muscles in my shoulders! I haven't been able to attend the complete Vorsprung timetable, and so missing out on the hill drills and strength sessions will mean there is further room for improvement. That said, plenty of building DIY work at home has given me some default strength work.

My times on the track were pretty level with my best times from my 2021
Vorsprung diary, just before Aber 10k and so I knew I was in okay shape for a short race (my mileage this year has been no more than 15 miles per week, compared to pre-Vorsprung of 25-35).

The race was on a decent 4k down-and-up circuit, albeit gradual gradients. The field was no less than 850 strong. My target was a sub-19, factoring in my age, and season so far (SB 19.05).

Vranek believes, that, I have a low 18 minutes, or even a high 17 minutes locked away inside me somewhere.

But, I decided to try and keep calm and race for a sub-19 this time.

The first kilometre is the gradual downhill, which you get to do twice, as the circuit starts 1k up from the finish line.

My track work and freshness all came together and I found myself trying to hold back. I felt extremely fast and went through in 3:11s.

Compare this to Parkrun, Aberystwyth, and my morning slumber where my body is still asleep. I struggle to go sub-4 in Aberystwyth, and so I was quite pleased / shocked with a 3:11s!

The second kilometre levelled-out and a left turn at 1.5k saw me lose a few places as the gradient started to climb. I didn't panic, but, the legs started to feel the struggle as we went through in 3:29s (still faster than scheduled). I knew there were a fair few seconds in the bank as the next second kilometre would be very hard.

I started to feel my usual 5k lactic-burn, at this point, and settled into 'race-pace'. More runners passed me, but, I was also passing others. I knew it was not a complete disaster. Vranek's words were shouting at me in my head:

'ignore the brain's uber sensitive damage limitation messages!'

It's harder than you think. But, I pushed on harder, rather than, simply settling into a slower-pace to stop the pain.

The third kilometre was 3:49s, and the fourth 3:41s from memory - both rolling, uneven terrain. I told myself, it was just about getting to the fourth kilometre, as the last kilometre was downhill to the finish.

I didn't have the strength (yet) to fully benefit from the last kilometre, but I did pick-up without realising it, and got back to 3:32s: which is the bit I am most pleased about.

I came home with my fastest time in three years, in 18:25s. A full 35 seconds inside my target.

With some better experience of this course for next year, I'll be targeting that sub-18 for sure!

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