Edward Land

Boston (UK) Marathon Race

When Vorsprung kicks-in, it's majestic.

Boston (UK) Marathon

V - E Aber Park Run 2022
© Theresa Sharland 2022.

The Vorsprung Marathon (AKA Boston UK): my back-up marathon for Manchester.

So, Manchester fell apart! Well, in reality, I fell apart!

A recurring issue with my lower back raised it's ugly head with five days to go!

A recurring issue with my lower back raised it’s ugly head with five days to go! Luckily, it eased enough to get me to the start line, but the first 20 miles took its toll and by mile 22 I had to pay the piper.

I went into the marathon with a plan, an expectation, a back-up plan and more expectations!

I was looking for any edge I could find: race kit; race strategy; super shoes; ANYTHING!

Not very
Vorsprung - but, I didn’t see it at the time!

Two weeks later, it was Boston, my back-up, if Manchester went belly-up. Which, indeed, it did!

Reflection on Manchester, full of angst, I needed a plan - and it turns out, the best plan was the simplest of all.

Stay with me…

So, after the great Manchester disaster, I turned to Brother Vranek, who I can always count on to keep things real, and he said “Don’t over-think it. Run by feel… Just run to feel”.

I took this away and put a lot of thought into nothing! By NOTHING, I mean, No Plan! That was the plan: to have no plan! To go out there and just run. Intrinsically executing all I have learned over the last 12 months with

It was time for all the embedding runs; all the drills; all the neuro-dynamic work to come together, to embody everything and … Well… Just run, exactly as I did before, just BETTER.

I wore my old race shorts and went back to the shoes I wore when I ran my last Marathon PB! Ditching the latest tech and going back to what worked for me.

These shoes were released back in 2016 and are no longer available! BUT…

I loved them so much back in the day, I bought a stock!

So, I cracked-open a box and a fresh pair just for Boston! No breaking them in, just box-feet-race.

After 5k, I found myself alone! The field had spread out and it looked like it was going to be a lonely race… PERFECT. I switched my brain off. Garmin was set to current mile metrics, only. No big picture. Just dealing with the mile, as it presented itself. As each mile passed, I knew the time was going to be strong, and come mile 20 I started to formulate a plan for the last 10k.

A progression to the line: a block progression; 1 on 1 off… NO!… Stick to the plan… NO PLAN!

And, that is what I did! I felt my way to the finish and found myself passing all those who’d cracked, all of which probably had a plan. I was cruising, getting the job done!

Indeed, I got the job done, with plenty left in the tank! 10th Place OA in a time of 2:42:54,
under 3 Minutes and 41 seconds shy of my personal best with more to give.
Second fastest Marathon ever.

Vorsprung kicks-in - it’s majestic - it’s the way forward.

I’m only one-year-in, and it’s clicking. But it’s not a part of me yet. I’m working towards it! I’m imagining what it’s going to be like a few years down-the-line when it’s set-in: when I live it.

All sounds a bit heavy, but it’s actually up-lifting. However, a word of caution:

… you have to be ‘in it’.

There’s no point dipping-in-and-out! You have to invest in order to get anything out of Vorsprung.

Anyway… Enough from me for now!
Happy training everyone.

And well done to everyone else, that, are excelling and reaping the benefits of

Text © Edward Land April 2022.

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